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When Two Worlds Collide

Shilpa’s Blue Crayon is masterfully written, keeping the reader going back and forth between emotions of anticipation and excitement.

With the multiple story lines and the various characters, there’s never a dull moment. There is intrigue, unwavering friendship and a Twin Flame Love that surpasses any romance novel I’ve ever read.

It’s impossible not to have compassion for Shilpa, because the storms she has to weather (no matter where she exists), makes you want to come to her aid. Her effervescent Spirit and love for life draws you into her worlds of love, devotion and vigilance.

What is truly remarkable and the piece de resistance is Jacob…..What a man !!!

The way the author weaves in and out of Shilpa’s every day experiences is full of imagination and thought provoking. It makes one wonder about the “What If’s” in life.

Therefore, I highly recommend Shilpa’s Blue Crayon for anyone wishing to view what living to the utmost would be like.

Chanel H.

Just a sample review to show

I picked up this book on a recommendation from a friend. The story is compelling, and I’m enjoying it very much! The main characters embark upon a relationship that has ups and downs, bringing both exhilarating joy and emotional pain. For me, the story is real, as there are parts that mirror my own experiences. I love the way the author set up the characters in the beginning. Getting to know them as I read the details of their journey was easy. I liked that the author reserved a page before the story, that lists the characters. It served as a quick reminder of who the characters were for those times that I would come back to the book after taking a break. All in all, this is a good story, well-constructed and well-written. It definitely captured my attention. I highly recommend it, and I’m looking forward to more offerings from C. C. Lane!

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